The Partners
After graduating from Davidson College with a degree in English and being Headmaster of Shiveye Secondary School in Kenya, Mark committed to a career in advertising and discovered the wonderful world of the casino/hospitality industry. Three years after managing the Trump Account at two prestigious Baltimore ad agencies, Mark joined the Trump Organization in Atlantic City in the early 1990s as Sr. Director of Advertising and PR and, in addition to casino/resort marketing, began promoting legendary World Championship Boxing matches like Spinks/ Cooney, Tyson/Spinks, Holyfield/Foreman, Duran/Barkley, American Gladiator National Finals, Wrestlemania, the Tour De Trump 9-State Cycling Event and many more unique special events.
Since 1995, Mark has partnered with Marianne Martino to create and manage an award-winning and well-respected advertising agency and own another (gaga) that specialize in the gaming and hospitality industry. Highlights include rebranding the “Isle” casinos, and being “Agency of Record” for 10 years as they grew from 4 properties/$200 Million in revenue to 15 properties/$1.2 Billion in revenue. As a Creative Director, Mark’s broadcast and print casino work have received the highest awards in the industry. His writing has been featured in multiple Trade Publications and his branding, advertising and marketing strategies earn him speaking engagements and leadership roles on forums. Together with Gaga Principal Marianne Martino, Mark has focused on the acquisition, management, branding, advertising, direct marketing and loyalty programs for more than 50 casino resorts in 19 states and 3 internationally.