Direct Mail
Account Management
We believe the client/agency relationship is a special partnership.
At Gaga, exceptional client service constitutes a core value of our business, and we always aim to become a trusted partner of our clients, rather than viewing ourselves as a vendor. We have been able to differentiate ourselves from the competition through strong relationships, and our level of service is one of the very reasons clients continue to work with us. We take the time to get to know you and your position in the industry. We go the extra mile.
Monitoring is a big part of what we do. We are constantly analyzing how to do it better. What’s working? What’s not? Every marketing program exists to satisfy a component of the annual marketing plan and is laid out for the year, tightened by the quarter and reviewed by the month. Each marketing program has targeted metrics, whether it’s generating revenue, tracking usage or attracting new customers.
Trust Gaga to partner with as you journey through the challenges of marketing in the 21 century.